AVIONIX wishes a Hapy New Year 2025! The aero-network hosted by AVIONIX has grown to 400 receiver st
AVIONIX provided receiver equipment to STRADAai for Drone Traffic Monitoring to increase the securi
On July 1st the UAT ground station at Starmoen Airfield was installed and went operational. Another
AVIONIX is happy to announce the launching of the new product openAir flightcase. It represents the
On June 13th, the first UAT Ground Station was installed in Finland at Helsinki-East Aerodrome and w
AVIONIX is a provider of air traffic surveillance and analysis solutions. User friendly and reliable systems combined with a high degree of customer orientation form the basis of our business. Close cooperation with Universities allow the development of innovative and cost-effective next-generation solutions based on innovations and the newest technologies.
Our main motivation is to provide adaptable, user-friendly and cost-efficient solutions in the aviation area.
AVIONIX develops and produces our receiver and tracking hardware solutions in house. We care about installing, launching and maintaining all components.
The experience of our team gained during years of practical involvement in Airport and ATC projects is used to identify and satisfy customer needs with a focus on efficiency, safety and reliability.
If you like to be contacted by us to discuss our products or request further information please enter your Email below. Someone will contact you and answer all of your questions.