AVIONIX provided redundant ADS-B station to Jayapura Pilot School

[post_title][post_date] | [post_author] AVIONIX provided a redundant openair1090 ADS-B station to Jayapura Pilot School in Indonesia. The sytem was successfully installed and comissioned beginning of November 2018. Previous AVIONIX passed SAT of Frequency Monitoring System for Zagreb Airport Next AVIONIX supplied autonomous ADS-B station to Islay Airport

AVIONIX supplied autonomous ADS-B station to Islay Airport

[post_title][post_date] | [post_author] A prototype of the ARU (Autonomous Receiver Unit) was installed at Islay Airport, Scotland. The station is powered by solar and wind energy and transmits ADS-B data over UMTS. The unit is designed to run fully autonomous and maintenance free to provide ADS-B surveillance at remote areas. ARU Previous AVIONIX provided redundant […]

AVIONIX was awarded contract to deliver An Electronic Surveillance Solution to Support the Low Density and Low Complexity Airspace Trial at Dundee Airport

[post_title][post_date] | [post_author] Progressive Surveillance: AVIONIX’s ADS-B/FLARM/Multilateration System in Dundee Airport End of July 2017 installation of AVIONIX ADS-B/FLARM/Multilateration situational awareness system took place at and around Dundee airport. Installation will continue in October by adding additional sites to enable Mode-S multilateration. New generation of AVIONIX ground vehicle tracking devices will be tested on airport […]

AVIONIX is looking for subcontractors

[post_title][post_date] | [post_author] AVIONIX looks for subcontractor in R&D project AVIONIX szuka podwykonawców projektu badawczo-rozwojowego The following two tenders are curreltly open and available for download: Następne dwa oferty są obecnie otwarte i dostępne do pobrania: ●POIR_1.1.1 RF DevelopmentClosing date 02/10/2015Data zamknięcia 02.10.2015 ●POIR 1.1.1 MLAT algorithmClosing date 02/10/2015Data zamknięcia 02.10.2015   Zamówienia publiczne na usługi […]